Mosquito Control Program

City of South Bend, Washington

Environmenally Responsible Mosquito Control

​Treatment Map

​Treatment Schedule

(All dates are tentative and subject to change due to weather or other situations out of our control)

Public Notice
In accordance with the Washington State Dept of Ecology’s Aquatic Mosquito Control General Permit, S6-A-3:
a) The larvicide(s) and adulticide(s) planned for use. Include the active ingredient and either the FIFRA label or the EPA registration number.
All pesticide labels are listed on the City’s Mosquito Control Website (
b) The approximate date ranges of the planned treatment.
Treatments may occur March through September each year. Tentative schedule is published on the City’s Mosquito Control website (
c) The approximate treatment location(s)
Treatments will occur throughout the City, including standing water.
d) If available via the internet, include the web address where the public may access updates about the treatment(s).
Treatment updates can be viewed at the website
e) If you use larvicides that have water-use restrictions, include the posting procedures for the treatment area.
No larvicides used have water restrictions.
f) Your name and the best number to reach you.
Three Rivers Mosquito and Vector Control
Edward Horvath
(360) 262-6417
g) The name and contact information for the Ecology Aquatic Mosquito Control General Permit Manager.
Shawn Ultican
Aquatic Pesticide Permit Specialist
(360) 870-3492
h) The procedure for a person to follow if they want to be added to the Pesticide Sensitivity Registry, maintained by the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA). Include the WSDA’s website that provides information about the registry and the procedure to be added to the registry.
You may be added to the no-spray at the City level through
Or statewide by submitting the application at .

Sensitivity Registry
You can confirm your property is on our no-spray list by viewing the map at: