Environmenally Responsible Mosquito Control
Mosquito control operations do not consist of scheduled, indiscriminate spraying. Spraying (or fogging) for adult mosquitoes can only be conducted when and where it is justified in accordance with our Washington State Department of Ecology's permit. Our operations have to be in accordance with the Washington State Best Practices and in compliance with the NPDES permit issued by the Dept. of Ecology. While it is important to reduce the mosquitoes significantly, it is equally as important to do so environmentally responsibly.
For information about the City of South Bend's Integrated Mosquito Management Plan, click on the buttons below.
Aquatic Mosquito Control General Permit information, click below
Why we do what we do?
The following principles are advocated:
Mosquito control measures are undertaken only when there is adequate justification based upon surveillance data. Best Management Practices for Mosquito Control are always followed and promoted.
South Bend's Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM) program is tailored to the needs and requirements of the local situation. The combination of methods for mosquito control were chosen after careful consideration of the efficacy, ecological effects, and costs versus benefits of the various options, including public education, legal action, natural and biological control, elimination of breeding sources, and insecticide applications.
Mosquito breeding sources, whether natural or created by human activity are altered when possible, in such a manner as to cause the least undesirable impact on the environment.
Insecticides and application methods are used in the most efficient and least hazardous manner, in accordance with all State and Federal laws and regulations and available scientific data. The registered pesticide label requirements for insecticide are always followed. When choices are available among effective insecticides, those offering the least hazard to non-target organisms are used. Insecticides are also chosen and used in a manner that will minimize the development of resistance in the mosquito population.
Personnel involved in our programs are properly trained and supervised, and certified in accordance with Washington State laws and regulation, and are maintained current with improvements in management techniques through continuing education and/or training programs.
(360) 262-6417 •
651 Market Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601 US
Copyright © International Mosquito & Vector Control, Inc.
DBA Three Rivers Mosquito and Vector Control.
All rights reserved.